Cloumbia Sportswear Team Rafts the Rouge River, Oregon

Recently Columbia Sportswear took nine amazing people from all corners of the country white water rafting. This is how we do. #omniten
Post by Columbia Sportswear.

Recently, the Columbia Sportswear Omniten team embarked on an unforgettable adventure down the Rogue River in Oregon. Our group of outdoor enthusiasts and athletes were excited to take on the rapids and explore the beauty of the river.

As soon as we arrived, we set up camp and got to know each other. The group bonded quickly and we knew it was going to be an amazing trip. The camp food was fantastic and we enjoyed delicious meals cooked over the fire. The lazy parts of the river provided the perfect opportunity to float and swim, and we even found some hidden caves and swim holes along the way.

On day two, we set out to tackle the class 4 rapids. The excitement was palpable as we got into our personal kayaks and prepared for the ride of our lives. The rapids were challenging, but the team worked together and everyone had a blast. We even had some mason jar river cooled hard lemonade to celebrate after each successful run.

As we floated down the river, we saw some interesting wildlife and took in the beauty of the surrounding wilderness. We even set up a fancy camp with blow-up living room furniture and enjoyed the scenery in style. We all made amazing friends on the trip and it was an adventure of a lifetime.

Even though we had a local fire happening, we didn't let it discourage us, Instead we all made sure we had sunscreen and kept an eye on the fire at all times. we continued our journey and ended up jumping off of rocks and swimming in the river, which was a great experience.

To beat the heat, we relied on Columbia Sportswear's innovative Omni Shield and Omni Cooling gear, as well as their PF series UV clothing. These advanced technologies kept us cool, comfortable, and even photo passable throughout the entire trip. 

Overall, the Rogue River rafting adventure was an unforgettable experience and we can't wait to do it again. Thanks to the Columbia Sportswear Omniten team for making it happen! #omniten


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