Misty Mountain Hop

"The only Zen you find on the tops of mountains is the Zen you bring up there.” RP 
Stinson Beach & Mt. Tam - Marin, CA

I have grown up in the hills of this paradise.  I have wandered the wonderful windy winds, that crease this mountainside.  I have echoed in the range, I have pained in the grains.  I have weeped in the willows, and found solace in the hollows.

Growing up in these hills, I have come to appreciate the dynamic and ever-changing nature of the landscape. The windy winds that crease the mountainside, the echoing range, the grains of the earth, the weeping willows, and the solace found in the hollows all hold a special place in my heart.

But what I've come to realize is that the true beauty and Zen of these places is not found in the landscape itself, but in the way that we interact with it. The way we choose to see and experience these places is what truly brings us the sense of peace and tranquility that we seek.

As I hike up Mt. Tam and take in the stunning views of the coast, I remind myself to let go of any preconceptions and to simply be present in the moment. I allow myself to be fully immersed in the sights, sounds, and feelings of the landscape. I take in the beauty of the wildflowers in spring, the changing leaves in fall, and the peaceful silence of a fresh snowfall in winter.

Similarly, as I walk along the sandy beaches of Stinson, I remind myself to let go of any distractions and to simply be present in the moment. I allow myself to be fully immersed in the sounds of the waves crashing against the shore, the salty smell of the ocean, and the warmth of the sun on my skin.

It is in these moments of mindfulness and presence that I truly find the Zen that I bring to these beautiful places. And it is in these moments that I am truly able to appreciate and cherish the beauty of the landscape around me.

In conclusion, the Zen that we find on the tops of mountains and in the natural landscapes around us is not something that is already there, but something that we bring with us. By learning to be present and mindful in the moment, we can truly experience the beauty and tranquility of these places. So, next time you're in Stinson Beach and Mt. Tam, take a moment to let go of distractions and simply be present in the moment. The Zen you find will be truly remarkable.


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